Sustainability Report 2013

This year we are allowing ourselves a pat on the back. Because the trend is continuing: Swedes are depositing ever more electrical products for recycling. We believe our work and our information drives together with the nation’s municipalities have borne fruit. Today, we collect almost four times more than the level required in the EU directive. In Europe, we are often put forward as an example of best practice.

However, we are not easing off. All electrical products can be recycled, and yet many of them still never make it to the collection stations. They could be of so much more use in the form of new products, rather than sitting at home in our drawers.

So even if you’ve heard it all before, you’ve had enough of arguments about the climate and environmental benefits, we’re going to continue banging on. Because every toaster, fridge and mobile phone we hand in reduces the need to extract more of the earth’s natural resources. Instead, we recover them from Swedish homes. We make sure that every chemical, diode and piece of metal is recycled in a safe and environmentally responsible way.

So to all the manufacturers, municipalities, recyclers, transport companies, and everyone who has deposited electronics, lighting and batteries for recycling – we say a huge thank you for a great 2013! We look forward to continuing our joint venture to further improve our worldclass, environmentally efficient collection system.

We want to make it easy to take responsibility for the environment.

Published 2021-02-13